Aromantics Wiki

Lithromantics are individuals who experience romantic attraction (or similar,) but do not desire their feelings to be reciprocated. Lithromantic people may want to avoid dating and romantic relationships entirely, may be apathetic to reciprocation, or may be actively repulsed by romanticism from others. Lithromantics might have relationships, queerplatonic or otherwise, but these will typically occur under special circumstances where the romantic orientations of all parties are in sync. Although some lithromantics are accepting of reciprocation, they do not feel it is necessary the way most romantics do* .

The term lithromanticism comes from the Greek lith- meaning stone. This usage of 'lith' (meaning 'rock') is derived from Stone Butch* sexuality, and was coined by two individuals out of personal need (both of whom identify as AFAB queers, one of whom is Stone,) & the hype to rally a community, if one were to be found. Over the next several years, the lithromantic community did grow, and the definition of lithromanticism began to both broaden and refine itself.

Lithromantics remain a minority even amongst other minority romantic orientations, but as more people find that this word matches up with their identity, the entire community grows and learns.
